Strength in Shadows

A collection of black and white abstract paintings that explore the power of finding strength in life's difficult moments. The paintings feature gritty, bold, and dramatic textures. Geometric lines of silver bend across the canvas, providing contrast against the visceral textures. The paintings are inspired by the artist's own experiences with depression, anxiety, and burnout; and are a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

The paintings in "Strength in Shadows" are a powerful reminder that we are not alone in our struggles. The artist's work is intended to offer a message of hope and resilience to those who are facing challenges.

The Process

The darkness of the shadows represent the difficult times in life. The light, however, represents the hope and strength that can be found even in the darkest of moments. The geometric lines represent the journey of recovery. They are a reminder that even though the path may be difficult, there is always a way forward.

Multiple layers of thick acrylic paint were applied to the canvas with a variety of palette knives, leaving intricate and varied textures across each piece. Multiple think layers of paint were applied, then wiped away, pulling details out of the textures from each previous layer. These thin layers we applied over and over, slowly building up shadows and highlights. As the finishing touch, geometric lines were painted over top of the visceral and gritty layers.

About the Artist

Sarah, an artist born in Northern Virginia, has transformed her passion for art into a thriving career in Arizona's contemporary art scene. Her journey, marked by both creative exploration and personal growth, has shaped her unique artistic style, blending abstract forms with organic elements to express her inner struggles and the beauty of chaos. Her meticulous attention to color and form, coupled with her unwavering dedication, has earned her recognition as a Board Member of Ground Floor Artists and exhibitions across Phoenix. Sarah's art stands as a testament to her personal triumphs, transforming life's challenges into a symphony of self-expression and catharsis.

Meet Sarah